Favorites of 2017
Ouroboros #2
I've finally had a chance to pull together my favorite photographs that I took or created in 2017. I do love this exercise as it is a wonderful chance to look back at one's creative process for the year and to see which directions provided successful results. I should also emphasize the word favorite above, as any such list is entirely subjective (and subject to change as well).
So, in no particular order, here are my favorite photographs of 2017!
First up (above) is Ouroboros #2 from my Harmony of the Spheres project, my favorite creation as I started to explore color with this series. From the same series, I also love Ouroboros #1 below (using my photograph of the sun along with the star trails).
Ouroboros #1
Next up in my list of favorites is this photograph from the Painted Hills in Oregon, a place long on my photographic life-list that I finally visited this spring.
Painted Hills #1, Oregon, USA
I've been working on a new series called Salacia -- more about this soon, but the photograph below is from the series for which I have a particular affinity (especially when printed large).
Salacia #1
I'm essentially done now with my long-term Adventures in Celestial Mechanics project, but one of my full moon photographs from this year will make my final edit, too, I suspect.
Moon When Cherries Turn Black I
I continue to work on my Codex Natura project, with the photograph below making my list for this year.
Codex Natura #24
Similarly, I love this new photograph in my East of the Sun, West of the Moon project.
Untitled #23, from the East of the Sun, West of the Moon project
I have a brand new project entitled Cosmographia, and these two photographs from that series make my favorites list for this year.
Cosmographia #2
Cosmographia #8
The photograph below is from Peaks Kinney State Park here in Maine.
Sebec Lake Study #1
...and also from Peaks Kinney is a much different photograph from my new Neptune series (coming soon).
Neptune #32
And last but not least is this cyanotype from my Harmony of the Spheres project.
Euclidean Sonata #1