Our Maine at the Maine Art Gallery

I’m honored to be included in the new exhibition at the Maine Art Gallery in Wiscasset. The exhibition, entitled “Our Maine”, includes the works of Lisa Mossel Vietze, Olga Merrill, the late Terry Hire, as well as my work. There are over 90 photographs featured in the exhibition, and as someone who has seen all of the work before, I can vouch for how beautiful it is.

I’ll be at the opening reception this Saturday from 4-7 pm, and hope to see you there!

Our Maine Postcard Digital.jpg
Our Maine Postcard S2 Digital.jpg

September Exhibition at new Garage Gallery in Beacon, NY

I'm thrilled to be part of the inaugural exhibition of the new Garage Gallery in Beacon, NY, in a two-person exhibition entitled “Time and Tide” with the wonderful painter M'Liz Keefe! The exhibition is up now and the opening reception is tomorrow, September 11th, from 3-6 pm. I will be there and hope any of you out there who are in that area come to check it out! The exhibition continues through September 26th.


Summer 2021 Exhibitions & Galleries

Emerald Lake #1, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

Emerald Lake #1, Yoho National Park, British Columbia, Canada

As things start to return to normal again, you can find my work in two exhibitions at the moment. Kingman Gallery (in Deer Isle, ME) is open for the season and a number of my photographs are on display there along with those of other gallery artists.

Additionally, a large selection of my work is being exhibited at FP3 Gallery in the Fort Point area of Boston, located at 346 Congress St. in Boston in the FP3 Condos (but is on the publicly accessible ground floor). I’ve included a few installation shots of this below.

Earth Day 2021

Earthrise, taken on December 24, 1968, by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders.

Earthrise, taken on December 24, 1968, by Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders.

Happy Earth Day! I posted last year on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and looking back at that post now I realize how despondent I had become about the future of our environment (the beginning of the pandemic probably didn’t help things).

I’m much more optimistic now, though of course dealing with the climate emergency, preserving lands, ensuring clean air and water, and so on will still be an immense challenge. Changes in the political leadership in the United States can have such a magnifying effect on the entire world’s approach to climate and the environment, for better or for worse.


March 2021 Update - New Workshops and more...

Winter Atlas, Ice #25

Winter Atlas, Ice #25

I hope the end of winter is going well for all! Yes, I’m still here, despite not posting since December (and thanks to all who bought prints as part of my fundraiser - I was able to raise $250 for local food banks here in Maine).

I’m honored to be included again on What Will You Remember? in their most recent collection, Fragmentary Blue. As always, I discovered new wonderful artists to explore from the collection they curated.

Two new online workshops with Maine Media have now been posted, too. I’m teaching my Sense of Wonder class on Mondays from April 26th - May 24th, 2021 via Zoom (one day a week for five weeks), and I’m teaching my course The Craft and Art of the Fine Digital Print the week of June 7th (all five days that week, via Zoom). Please let me know if you have any questions about my workshops or anything else!